The EASY and EFFECTIVE Way To KILL a wide range of invasive trees and brush including Mesquite, Cedar, Huisache, Multiflora Rose and Juniper!

Mesquite - Before Treatment

Red Cedar
1-2 Pellets Per Inch of Stem Diameter

Mesquite - 1 year later
Treated with one pellet per plant

1-2 Pellets Per Plant 6 Months After Treatment
Download a controlled species list or general application instructions by clicking on the links below.
Little To No Regrowth.
Very Little Damage To Herbaceous Vegetation.
No Special Applicator License Required.
No Grazing or Hay Cutting Restrictions on rates below 600 pellets per acre.
Remains active even after extended periods of no rainfall.

Three Convenient Container Sizes
5.5 lb bucket, 3900 pellets*
22 oz. bucket, 975 pellets*
3 oz. jar, 130 pellets*
* Approximate number of pellets per container
Also available in 35lb. pails. Call for more information.